It was quickly apparent that Lauren and Donnie needed more challenging activities than staying at home. So off to school we went.
I was leery of signing them up too soon for school. After all they don't speak or understand English; how will they communicate with the teachers and other students? Well it turned out to be the best thing for them! The kids did great it's the teachers we are worried about!! Donnie has certainly kept Miss Natasha on her toes, although by the 3rd day she said that he was settling down. Lauren on the other hand is very obedient and will listen and follow intstrucitons.
They are attending Primrose and going from about 8 - 4 for 5 days a week. We have noticed that they are understanding many English words, sentences (commands). George is great with working with them in the evenings on their alphabet and "key" words. In the mornings when it is time to take them they are excited and go willingly. This week at school they will start "playball" which is a program that will teach them the basis for sports like baseball, basketball, hockey, tennis, soccer and more. It will be intereting to see if they are "predisposed" to certain sports.
We also had a couple of successful restaurant experiences. After only 1 week home, we took them to IHOP (International House of Pancakes). Well, they were not ready. They did not get it even thought there were many other kids eating around us. Not pancake fans for sure (at least not yet). Then we braved a Friday evening for Mexican food! That was a hit. The chips were a good pacifier until the food came. Chicken with some rice is a hit. The success made the 30 minute wait all worth while. So now we know we can take them in public and have fairly behaved kids!
The pictures are from their first day of school and waiting for our table on Mexican night.