Sunday, November 12, 2006


It is hard to believe that finally after almost 4 years in this process we will be winging our way to Kiev!

In February of 2003 we start the adoption process in Belarus. When that country shut down adoptions we had to start again we chose Ukraine. We started from scratch in January 2005.

We've had a long and bumpy road with Ukraine. After the Orange revolution, President Yuschenko implemented many positive changes to the government. Part of those changes included revamping the Adoption process and creating a new Ministry of Adoption (SDA). As these changes came about in Ukraine and with the appointment of new Ministers, we've had our share of starts and stops! Well in September 2005 they finally re-opened and things have been running smoothly ~ they are getting through the backlog of Dossiers ~ Yeah!

Ukraine does not allow preselection of children. We are approved to adopt 2 children up to 5 yrs. old. Our request is at least 1 boy. So we are what is referred to "traveling blind". The process works something like this:

1) Arrive at scheduled appointment at the SDA and have interview with officials.

2) They will show you several files of children, both sibling groups and singletons that they feel meet/match your Dossier and your request.

3) The files contain old pictures, some family background and limited medicals.

4) Make your selection, then travel to meet those children at the orphanage. These orphanges are in various remote sections ot the country. Travel may take 1 or 2 days.

5) Meet the child(ren) - take them for medical and tests by private Dr. Also fax info to Dr. on standy in the US.

6) Make the Decision of a Lifetime!! Once this is done the legal process begins. Court is scheduled, you must be approved the the orphange director, then by the region director, then by about a million other people and then finally the judge during court!

7) Ukraine has a mandatory 10 day wait after court. On the 10th day, you are whisked off to Kiev and the US Embassy for more legals stuff, approvals and Visas. Then on that big old plane back to the USA!

This is the nuts and bolts of it.

We will have a facilitator in Ukraine (Alex and his team) that will help us with the entire process. Lodging, travel, appointments and all that is taken care of through them. They work for our agency here in the states.

As we get more information I will post again! Thanks to all of you for your support over these months/years that have lead us to this life changing experience!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Christine & George,

We are sooooo very excited for you! Your wait has been so long! Can't wait till you finally hold your beautiful baby(ies). Better yet, can't wait till I hold your beautiful babies on your next trip to Naples. :)

