Oh my ~ I don't know where to begin!
Our travel day started about 7 a.m. Kiev time; with an airport departure of 10 a.m. from our apartment and ended at about 20 hours later with a US local time arrival at 10:30 p.m. Saturday evening.
Tola and Roma were my travel team! Tola did a lot of our legal paperwork behind the scenes and also doubled as our driver in Kiev. Roma came from Odessa in time for our departure. He is home in Kiev for the 10 days of Ukrainian Holidays which officially started the 29th ~ so it was a special surprise to see him again.
Departure was easy. The fun began on the 11 hour plane ride to JFK! The kids slept a total of 45 minutes. During that time poor Donnie had a bout of diahrea (sp?. I was so glad my Canadian buddy Mylene suggested I carry on a spare set of clothes for them. I really doubted I would need them and only brought pants "just in case". Well thank goodness for that. I threw out the tights and underwear. Wrapped the pants and sealed them in plastic and put on new pants for Donnie. No underwear, no socks ~ poor kid.
There were only about 4 or 5 meltdowns total. They took turns. The surrounding passengers were pretty patient, I'm glad. It was pretty interesting. A full flight and you certainly tell who the New American Parents were. I would guess there were about 10 new families on that flight. I was hoping that the kids would play with some of the other kids, but Lauren and Donnie are quite shy. So it was a challenge to keep them occupied to say the least.
Going through customs and immigration in NY was a "Real Pain". We were hot and tired. The kids hadn't slept and it was like 4 in the morning their time. But we got through it. Then that last leg to Atlanta, Lauren fell asleep over 2 seat and I only had to worry about keeping Donnie occupied.
George met us at the gate in Atlanta. Boy was I happy to see him! I could turn the kids over to someone for a while (or so I thought).
Ann and Don (my folks) were waiting for us at home. They were soooo excited to see the kids in person. Although all 3 of us looked like hell. It was off to bed quickly. Only to lead to histerical crying. This lasted for most of the night.
We put them down by 11 p.m. They both cried at first then Donnie fell asleep. Lauren would wake up about every 15 minutes. So I finally just got into the bed with them. Even at that she would wake up and ask for me (forgetting I was there). I had hoped to be on American time. But no, we were up at 3:00 a.m. this morning.
The kids woke up in great moods. They love their rooms and their toys. It looks great thanks to my folks who bought the furniture, furnished and appointed them perfect little rooms for a little boy and little girl.
After about an hour with them alone I thought George should share in this fun time. So off we went to get Papa at 4:00 a.m. out of bed. They are really having fun with him this morning. That is why I even have this time to update our blog!
I think the kids will adjust just fine. It is amazing the energy they have. George is getting to experience what I had for night and day for the last 3 days!
Many that have gone before me have said that it will all seem so distant. The time spent in country. Believe it or not, it is already a fog for me. Or maybe that is my sleep deprivation talking (LOL)!
Thanks to all for your well wishes and interest. We can't wait for everyone to meet the kids!
I'll update with some more pictures at home soon!