On Christmas Day, December 25th we got our official court decree; but due to logistics I chose to leave the kids at the orphanage until our scheduled departure date Wednesday evening. I’m glad I did because Tuesday and Wednesday were NON STOP. On Tuesday I ran around the city from one government office to another getting our new birth certificates, legalizations, passports, etc. Then we even had to go to the train station to buy our tickets for the next evening to get to Kiev. The trains were booked solid, I really lucked out getting the ticket! We started at 8 in the morning and didn’t get back to the apartment until almost 10 at night. I was exhausted.
Wednesday morning we were treated to the Christmas performance. After which I had to run back to the apartment to get the kids clothes for them to be changed into so they would be ready for the pick up at 8:30 that evening. I even had to stop and buy some tights for both the kids because the orphanage is so picky about how warmly the kids are dressed. Even though they will not be wearing tights under their clothes in Atlanta, I didn’t want to “rock the boat” so I bought them tights.
Roma hired the orphanage van driver, Victor to pick us and my luggage at my apartment and then swing over to the orphanage to get the kids and then drop us at the train station. It really worked out great.
Lauren and Donnie were sooooo excited to go!! Sometimes you just don’t know how kids are going to react when they know they are leaving. I got to go in and take a couple of pictures of their beds and dining/play room. They showed me their beds, they told all the kids in their groupa goodbye and they were leaving with their “mama”. It was all very surreal to me at the time. I couldn’t believe this was it! I know was fully responsible for these 2 kids!!
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