It's Christmas morning and I'm preparing all the gifts for the caretakers, nurses, landlord, etc. I purchased a small Christmas tree for the apartment for it to feel festive!
Today (it is not a holiday here, they celebrate Christmas according to the old calendar on January 7th) we got our formal Court Decree declaring us parents and legal guardians of Lauren and Donnie. Tomorrow we will get their new birth certificates and passports.
On Wednesday I will take the night train to Kiev. We are trying to get a compartment to ourselves. It will be me and the kids. That way we are confined to a small area which should be easier on me. The bus ride was really hard on the way down. I don't think I could do it on my own with the kids. The train takes a bit longer, but that is OK. We will leave around 10 in the evening and should arrive Kiev around 6 or 7 in the morning.
Not sure of the schedule after that. Someone will pick us up and we will have to go to the Embassy and have the American Dr. do the medicals, then I will need the Embassy to issue the Visas for travel. The kids will have dual citizenship until they turn 18.
Hopefully we can accomplish all that on Thursday. That will leave Friday free. Then we depart on Saturday at around noon! HOORAY!
It is a 10 hour flight to JFK but I have plenty of Children's Benedryl. So hopefully they will sleep for at least 8 hours of it!
Wishing everyone a VERY MERRY CHRISMAS from this side of the world!
The train is far better then the bus would be because you will have beds!
Best of luck you are very close to bringing your babies home!
Christine -
Andrew, my parents and I wish you the very merriest of Christmases and hope your return to the U.S. is safe and uneventful! We look forward to meeting the children and to seeing you and George upon your return.
The end is in sight. We have loved following your journey. Wishing you a safe and uneventful trip home with Lauren and Donnie.
Michele and Brenna
Hi Christine,
You're in the home stretch! How exciting it will be to get home with your 'babies'!!
We're looking forward to meeting them once you get settled with them.
Have a safe trip home!
Hi Christine. I am a friend of Cindy's, I believe you read our blog. Reading your story brings back so many memories.... good & bad! I will get your email address from Cliff & send you a note. Congrats!!!! You are almost at the end, and a whole new 'adventure' is ahead of you.
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