Mylene and Patrick from Quebec are here adopting 2 brothers (Leo 4yo and Andre 18 mos.). Mylene had a wonderful idea of treating Leo’s groupa to see the circus as a special Christmas treat. She was so nice as to invite Lauren and Donnie ~ they are in a different groupa (and me) to join.
Thanks to Mylene for her organization effort. Permission from the director, organizing the orphanage van and driver, gasoline, tickets and of course the nurses were required to be along. In all there were 14 kids and 9 adults (including the parents).
Well you would never think that we would all fit in that van. About the size of a typical U.S. conversion van. Well in Ukraine I think there is NO limit for these types of things as can be demonstrated by the amount of people that cram onto the buses and trams! We all fit, all adults had a least 1 kid on their lap and the rest just stood where there was a spot. I think the van ride competes with the circus itself (LOL)!
Myelen had pre-purchased the tickets; but since it was a Saturday evening some of the nurses had invited a guest. So our head count was more than the ticket count and the event was sold out. No problem, kids 2 -3 per seat and the rest in adult laps! We were a cozy bunch, but the place was packed and it worked out fine.
I am amazed at how well all the kids did at the event. It was about 2.5 hours. Lauren and Donnie did really great until intermission. Then the attention span was gone. Can’t really blame them, the 2nd part of the performance was the magic show which I think is geared for the older kids anyway.
They were not afraid of the clowns, I think the wolves looked like dogs to them, but they did think the Bears (Mishkas) were cool. The bears did lots of tricks and they really liked that.
It was a good outing experience for me with the kids, they did stick by me in the crowds.
Hopefully they will do the same in the airports.
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